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Invialo a Set Art

(in formato word, doc, odt)

SET ART valuta per la pubblicazione OPERE DI POESIA (minimo 40 liriche), OPERE DI NARRATIVA, ROMANZI, RACCOLTE DI RACCONTI, BIOGRAFIE, SAGGI senza limiti di battute.

Gli autori delle opere che SET ART riterrĂ  essere idonee alla pubblicazione riceveranno una proposta editoriale.

concorsi letterari

The more that you read, the more things you will know

Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.

Mohamed Arafa

Reviews By Readers

Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.

Fatima Mahmoud

Project Manager

Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.

Mohamoud Arafa

Project Manager

Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.

Fatima Mahmoud

Project Manager

Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.

Fatima Mahmoud

Project Manager

Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.

Mohamoud Arafa

Project Manager
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